The Nano-IMAGINE program is designed to catalyze growth of Virginia’s nanotech sector by 1) providing hands-on workforce training 2) supporting the launch and growth of high-tech nanotechnology startups and 3) accelerating growth of nanotechnology companies. The program leverages Mason’s recently constructed 1,946 square foot Nanofabrication Facility, consisting of a class 1000 cleanroom and class 100,000 characterization lab. Using GO Virginia funding, tools essential to meet the workforce readiness training and industry acceleration goals will be purchased and installed.
Attract and train a diverse workforce supply chain needed for a high-demand, growing nanotechnology market in Virginia including 1) a multi-week Nano-Cleanroom certificate class for two-year degree students who want to pursue a nano-process technician career or continue into a four-year program to become a nano engineer/scientist; 2) Twenty-six Mason graduate and undergraduate technical classes with hands-on learning in the Nanofabrication Facility; and 3) nano-STEM educational outreach program for high school students.
Promote the creation, growth, and attraction of companies that leverage sophisticated clean room environments and tools for the development of next-generation nanoscale technologies by 1) creating an entrepreneur credential class to inspire, train, and prepare entrepreneurs to launch life science and nanotech based start-up companies, and 2) offering access to the NFF to startup companies.